Mecklenburg County Health Dept
Public Health Inspections
Premises Information
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Address6300 SOUTH BV
Premise Type1 - Restaurant
Inspection Date 9/21/2023
Final Score @ Grade
87 B
General Comments
CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description CDIRVRComments
8 4 Hands clean & properly washed Yes Yes No 2-301.14 (H) Wash hands before donning gloves to initiate a task that involves working with food.- P 2-301.14 (I) Wash hands after engaging in other activities that contaminate hands. -P- EHS observed several employees handle trash and soiled equipment discard gloves and donned new gloves without a hand wash. Observed employees enter and leave kitchen several times without a hand wash prior to donning gloves and food prep/clean utensil handling. CDI- PIC educated staff on when to wash hands. EHS observed proper hand washing by end of the inspection.
9 2 No bare hand contact with RTE foods or pre- approved alternate procedure properly followed Yes No No 3-301.11(B) Do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Use suitable utensils, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment. -P- Observed an employee handle RTE corn tortillas from the grill with bare hands for an order. CDI- PIC voluntarily discarded the items. For more information, please visit: or view our training video at the following web link: Handwashing and No Barehand Contact
10 0 Handwashing sinks supplied & accessible Yes No No 5-205.11 (A) A handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use Pf.- Observed hand wash sink blocked with a large trash can. CDI- PIC moved item.
20 1.50 Proper cooling time & temperatures Yes No No 3-501.14(A) Quickly cool cooked foods within 2 hours from 135F to 70F; and within a total of 6 hours from 135F to 41F. -P.- EHS observed beef cooling at ambient air at the start of the inspection, item was 125F. After an hour of cooling at ambient air item was 115F. CDI- PIC moved item to walk in freezer to quickly cool. For more information please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Cooling Food Safely .
22 3 Proper cold holding temperatures No Yes No 3-501.16(A)(2) Maintain TCS foods in cold holding at 41F or less. -P- REPEAT- Observed sliced tomatoes, cut lettuce, and shredded cheese above 41F. See temp chart. PIC moved item to walk in cooler uncovered to quickly cool. A VR will occur within 3 days to ensure proper cold holding of TCS foods occurs. For more information, please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Safe Food Temperatures .
25 0.50 Consumer advisory provided for raw/ undercooked foods Yes No No 3-603.11 (B)(1) Consumer Advisory Disclosures shall indicate that the animal-derived food is or can be served raw or undercooked by using words and phrases such as raw, undercooked, cooked to order, etc., or by asterisking to a footnote per 3-603.11 (B)(2). -Pf- EHS observed consumer advisory for steak and eggs without a disclosure. CDI- PIC provided disclosure statement with an asterisk.
33 0.50 Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control Yes No No 3-501.15 Quickly cool foods. Use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. Cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -Pf- EHS observed cooked steak covered and cooling at ambient air 125F. After an hour the item cooled to 115F. At that rate cooling did not occur properly. CDI- PIC moved item to walk in freezer to quickly cool uncovered. For more information, please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Cooling Food Safely .
48 0.50 Warewashing facilities: installed, maintained & used; test strips No No No 4-301.12(B) Sink compartments shall be large enough to accommodate immersion of the largest equipment and utensils.-Pf - Observed several large metal and plastic containers holding TCS foods that can not be properly washed in the current 3 comp sink. A VR will occur within 10 days to ensure items are removed or large sink is provided (with regulatory authority approval. PIC may apply for variance. 4-501.19 During manual warewashing, maintain the wash solution at a minimum of 110F or as otherwise allowed by the detergent manufacturer label. -Pf- Observed manual ware washing occurring in water at 80F. CDI- PIC provided 117F water for wash.
51 1 Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices No No No 5-202.14 Prevent backflow or back siphonage prevention devices installed shall meet American Society of Sanitary Engineering standards. -P- Observed large can wash without a proper back flow prevention device. The current device appears to be damaged upon proper function. A VR will occur within 3 days to ensure device is provided.
53 0 Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied & cleaned No No No 5-501.17 Provide a covered waste bin in female restrooms. - Observed female restroom without a covered trash can.