Mecklenburg County Health Dept
Public Health Inspections
Premises Information
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Address227 W TRADE ST
Premise Type1 - Restaurant
Inspection Date 11/22/2022
Final Score @ Grade
88 B
General Comments
CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description CDIRVRComments
10 1 Handwashing sinks supplied & accessible Yes No No 6-301.12 Provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -Pf Observed no paper towels available for drying hands at hand sink on the line. CDI: Towels were provided. 5-205.11 (A) A handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use Pf. Observed handwashing sink on the line blocked by cart. CDI: Cart was relocated.
13 0 Food in good condition, safe & unadulterated Yes No No 3-101.11 Food shall be safe for consumption, unadulterated and honestly presented. -P. Observed blueberries in reach in cooler with microbial growth on them. CDI: Blueberries were voluntarily discarded. Ensure that fruits are rotated properly.
15 1.50 Food separated & protected Yes No No 3-302.11(A)(1) Separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods and washed/unwashed fruits and vegetables. -P For more information on food storage order please visit: Observed raw scallops and raw shrimp stored over ready to eat prosciutto and cheese sets in reach in cooler. CDI: Items reorganized.Observed raw tuna stored over ready to eat vegetables in reach in. CDI: Products reorganized. 3-302.11(A)(8) Separate unwashed produce from ready-to-eat foods. For more information on food storage order please visit: Observed unwashed produce stored over ready to eat produce and cheeses in walk in cooler. CDI: Items reorganized.
16 0 Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized Yes No No 4-501.114 Maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations when being used to sanitize. -P For more information please visit: Observed quat sanitizer at dispenser of 3-comp sink at 0ppm. Quat stock bottle was empty. CDI: Stock bottle replaced. No active dishwashing occurring during inspection. All sanitizer buckets were at proper concentration.
20 3 Proper cooling time & temperatures Yes Yes No 3-501.14(A) Quickly cool cooked foods within 2 hours from 135F to 70F; and within a total of 6 hours from 135F to 41F. -P. For more information please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Cooling Food Safely . Observed cooked Brussels sprouts cooling in WIC at 73F. Per chef, brussel sprouts were completed in the morning but he was unsure of what time. CDI: Product voluntarily discarded. REPEAT VIOLATION
23 3 Proper date marking & disposition Yes Yes No 3-501.18 Discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -P For more information please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Date Marking Food Safely . Observed several items in various coolers more than 7 days old including au poivre (11/12), cauliflower mash (11/12), shrimp (11/12), lobster (11/15), and shrimp (11/15). CDI: Items voluntarily discarded. REPEAT VIOLATION
24 1.50 Time as a Public Health Control; procedures & records Yes No No 3-501.19(B)(4)(5)Follow written procedures for foods held using Time as a Public Health Control (TPHC) for 4 hours. The food shall be discarded after the food has completed its 4 hour hold time, if the food is in unmarked containers, or marked with a time that exceeds the 4 hour time limit. -P Observed TCS butters that were held on TPHC last night stored in cooler from yesterday. CDI: Butters voluntarily discarded. Observed no time marked on charred lemons that were held at room temperature during service. CDI: Lemons voluntarily discarded.
33 1 Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control Yes Yes No 3-501.15 Quickly cool foods. Use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. Cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -Pf For more information please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Cooling Food Safely . Observed cooked Brussels sprouts cooling in large pan with product piled higher than 2 inches in pan in walk in. CDI: Product was voluntarily discarded. REPEAT VIOLATION
35 1 Approved thawing methods used Yes Yes No 3-501.13 (E ) Reduced oxygen packaged fish, required to be kept frozen until time of use per labeling, shall be removed from the reduced oxygen environment prior to thawing under refrigeration or upon completion of thawing using running water. Observed raw, vacuum sealed salmon stored cold in sealed packaging. CDI - packaging opened. REPEAT VIOLATION
42 0 Washing fruits & vegetables Yes No No 3-302.15 Wash fruits and vegetables prior to use. Observed unwashed berries stored on line ready for use with desserts. CDI: Berries were washed and placed in a clean container.
47 0 Equipment, food & non-food contact surfaces approved, cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used No No No 4-501.11 Maintain equipment in good repair. Observed damaged gaskets on upright cooler at front grill line and on the main walk in cooler door.
55 0 Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean No No No 6-501.12 Floors, walls, ceilings including the attachments such as soap, towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vent covers shall be clean. Caution should be used to minimize food exposure. Observed debris such as straws, papers, and wrappers around soda syrups in server hallway. Ensure more frequent cleaning. REPEAT VIOLATION Previous violation corrected.