Inspection Management System
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NameJASMIN GRILL Rules Governing Inspection Scores.
Address5033 SOUTH BV Restaurants: 
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SUITE GDay Care and Adult Care: 
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Swimming Pool Rules: 
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Premise Type1 - RestaurantMobile Food Units, Push carts, Tattoo Parlors: 
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CountyMecklenburgResidential Care and Local Confinement: 
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Inspection Date 3/25/2019 
Final Score @ Grade
87 B
NC Department of Environmental Health: 
General Comments
Critical Violations SHOWN in RED   
NA=Not Applicable  NO=Not Observed  CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description NANOCDIRVRComments
1 2 PIC present, Demonstration - Certification by accredited program, and performs duties No No No No No 2-103.11(A-L) PIC shall ensure rules in the code for food safety and handling are met. Numerous violations throughout the facility show the PIC is not monitoring or ensuring compliance such as coolers working, sanitizer levels in dish machine, hand washing, glove use, etc.
2 0 Management and food employee knowledge, and conditional employee; responsibilities and reporting. No No Yes No No 2-103.11(M) Ensure food employees are informed of their responsibility to report required symptoms, illnesses and exposure. -PF Health policy was not known. Left a sticker with policy is both English and Spanish.
6 0 Hands clean and properly washed No No Yes No No 2-301.14 Wash hands before donning gloves and between gloves uses. -P Stopped PIC as he put on gloves and directed him to wash his hands before putting them on. He complied.
8 1 Handwashing sinks, supplied and accessible No No Yes Yes No 5-205.11 Maintain access to handsinks. Handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-Pf
13 1.50 Food separated and protected No No Yes No No 3-302.11(A) Separate the different types of raw animal foods and separate from ready to eat foods. -P Observed raw chicken stored over raw shrimp and falafel mix. Relocated shrimp and falafel mix.
14 3 Food-contact surfaces: cleaned and sanitized No No No Yes Yes 4-501.114 Maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations when being used to sanitize. -P Sanitizer in dish machine was 0ppm Chlorine. REPEAT VIOLATION. Dish machine serviceman was called. It appears the rinse, detergent and sanitizer bottles are feeding the wrong tubes. Dish machine will not be used until repaired. Verification required.
20 1.50 Proper cold holding temperatures No No No No Yes 3-501.16(A)(2) Maintain TCS foods in cold holding at 41F or less. -P Walk-in cooler was holding foods above 45F. Average temperature of food in unit was 45-50F. Staff are going in and out of cooler and not closing the door. Recommended getting another reachin cooler for the front line to eliminate going in and out of the walkin cooler. All foods were iced and walkin cooler service rep was called. Cold wells at front line were holding foods 43-52F. These items were placed on time and will be used within 4 hours. Labeled with time during inspection. Unit was turned down. Ghee was sitting out at room temperature. PIC advised he would refrigerate from here on out. Verification required.
23 0 Consumer advisory provided for raw or undercooked foods No No Yes No Yes 3-603.11 Provide consumer advisory for animal foods served raw or under-cooked. Consumer advisory must include disclosure and reminder.-Pf Server advised beef and lamb are cooked per customer request. No consumer advisory is on the menu. Facility will fully cook meats until a consumer advisory is added to the menu (or they discontinue undercooking from here on out).
37 0 Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display No No No No No 3-305.11 Store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. Keep at least 6 inches above the floor. Observed semolina, sugar and lentils in open bags on shelving by the oven. Keep this containers sealed when not in use.
41 0 In-use utensils: properly stored No No No No No 3-304.12 Store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135F or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. Observed falafel utensils stored in standing water at grill line. Discarded water. Observed bowl in lentils. Use handled scoop.
42 0.50 Utensils, equipment and linens: properly stored, dried and handled No No No Yes No 4-901.11(A) Air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. Observed wet stacking of utensils and glasses. REPEAT VIOLATION.
45 2 Equipment, food and non-food-contact surfaces approved; cleanable, properly designed, constructed and used No No No Yes No 4-501.11 Maintain equipment in good repair. Observed shelving in reachin cooler rusted. Walkin cooler and reachin cooler have split gaskets. REPEAT VIOLATION. 4-502.11(A) Maintain utensils in good repair. Observed broken/damaged spatulas. Discard.
47 1 Non-food-contact surfaces clean No No No Yes No 4-601.11(C )/4-602.13 Keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. Observed shelving in walkin cooler with debris. Observed hand sinks, thermometers, and bottles sticky with residue. Observed fans in walk-in cooler with debris. Clean all.
53 0.50 Physical facilities installed, maintained and clean No No No No No 6-501.11 Floors, walls, and ceilings including the attachments such as soap and towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vents shall be maintained in good repair. Major floor tile damage in back area by 3 compartment sink. Repair. 6-501.12 Floors, walls, ceilings including the attachments such as soap, towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vent covers shall be clean. Caution should be used to minimize food exposure. Wall cleaning needed throughout.
54 0 Meets ventilation and lighting requirements; designated areas used No No No No No 6-303.11 Intensity-Lighting - C Lighting in walkin cooler needs to be increased to 10 foot candles. Currently it's very dim at 8 foot candles.