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NameLOTUS BUFFET Rules Governing Inspection Scores.
Address9605 N TRYON ST Restaurants: 
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 Day Care and Adult Care: 
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Premise Type1 - RestaurantMobile Food Units, Push carts, Tattoo Parlors: 
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CountyMecklenburgResidential Care and Local Confinement: 
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Inspection Date 7/10/2018 
Final Score @ Grade
90 A
NC Department of Environmental Health: 
General Comments
Critical Violations SHOWN in RED   
NA=Not Applicable  NO=Not Observed  CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description NANOCDIRVRComments
4 2 Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use No No Yes No No 2-401.11 Cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. Observed employee food in prep cooler above restaurant food, in freezer above food and an open employee drink cup on top of prep cooler above make table. CDI- All food and drinks removed. (repeat)
6 0 Hands clean and properly washed No No Yes No No 2-301.12. Follow the cleaning procedure to adequately wash your hands. Use warm water, soap, scrub 15 secs, rinse, and dry without recontaminating hands. -P Observed an employee wash hands for 3-5 seconds. Employee corrected, properly washed hands more than 15 seconds using proper procedure.
13 3 Food separated and protected No No Yes Yes No 3-302.11(A) Separate unwashed produce from ready-to-eat foods. -P Observed box of un-washed cucumbers stored above prepped celery and carrots in walk in produce cooler. CDI- Un-washed cucumbers moved to racks with other un-washed produce. Improvement noted of proper storage of raw meats.
22 2 Time as a Public Health Control: procedures and records No No Yes Yes No 3-501.19 Provide and follow written procedures for foods held using Time as a Public Health Control (TPHC). Clearly mark foods with begin and end times. All food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -P/Pf Observed bulk container of sushi rice that had been made approx. 10:00 AM with time mark for 11:50 AM. Observed sushi rolls made from this rice time marked for 10:50 AM on buffet, but sushi rice for rolls was made at 10:00 AM. CDI- Time markings corrected on sushi rolls, container of sushi rice was voluntarily disposed of by PIC. Written procedure for sushi rice and sushi rolls TPHC was not available. Emailed PIC a copy of their approved TPHC procedure that was on file.
33 1 Approved thawing methods used No No No Yes No 3-501.13 Use approved thawing methods. Observed prep sinks filled with raw chicken in standing water. CDI- Reviewed proper thawing methods with PIC. Meats should be thawed under running water or other approved thawing methods. CDI- Chicken removed and placed in walk in cooler.
38 0 Personal cleanliness No No No No No 2-402.11 Use head coverings, beard guards and clothing to restrain body hair from contacting exposed food, equipment, and utensils. Observed cook on cook line not wearing a hat or hair restraint. CDI- Employee put on a cap.
41 1 In-use utensils: properly stored No No No Yes No 3-304.12 Store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135F or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. observed rice scoop for sushi rice stored in room temperature water at rice warmer. REPEAT VIOLATION
42 1 Utensils, equipment and linens: properly stored, dried and handled No No No Yes No 4-901.11(A) Air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed multiple containers and pans stacked wet on the drying rack above 3 comp sink.
45 0 Equipment, food and non-food-contact surfaces approved; cleanable, properly designed, constructed and used No No No No No 4-501.11 Maintain equipment in good repair. Observed some of the racks in main walk in cooler badly rusted, needing replacing or re-coating to make easily cleanable. Observed dish racks for dish machine in poor condition, many needing to be replaced as they are no longer cleanable. GENERAL COMMENT: Investigated SR# 86904 during inspection. Almost all buffet items are on TPHC with a written procedure available. Observed improvement to date marking since last inspection