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NameEASTOVER ELEMENTARY Rules Governing Inspection Scores.
Address500 CHEROKEE RD Restaurants: 
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 Day Care and Adult Care: 
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Premise Type44 - School BuildingMobile Food Units, Push carts, Tattoo Parlors: 
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CountyMecklenburgResidential Care and Local Confinement: 
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Inspection Date 5/10/2017 
Final Score @ Grade
NC Department of Environmental Health: 
General Comments
Critical Violations SHOWN in RED   
NA=Not Applicable  NO=Not Observed  CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description NANOCDIRVRComments
3 40 DRINKING FOUNTAINS: Clean and in good repair 40#; adequate pressure, properly regulated 40# (.2406) No No No No No Repeat Non-Compliance: Observed most water fountains had residue build-up around nozzles and bases. **Drinking fountains shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2406 (b). Observed water fountains with too high of water pressure in Gym building hallway. **Drinking fountains shall be provided with adequate water pressure and be properly regulated (i.e. water pressure should be regulated so that an individual’s mouth does not come in contact with the nozzle and so that the water does not splash on the floor). 15A NCAC 18A 2406 (b).
4 20 TOILET FACILITIES: Walls and ceilings clean, nonabsorbent, washable, and in good repair 30#; fixtures clean and in good repair 40#; floors impervious, kept clean 30# (.2408) No No No No No Toilet fixtures shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2408 (d). Observed loose toilet seats throughout.
5 70 LAVATORY FACILITIES: Fixtures clean and in good repair 30#; soap and individual towels or approved hand-drying devices provided 40# (.2409) No No No No No Repeat Non-Compliance: Observed most hand sinks (bathrooms and classrooms) need better cleaning around the bases and drains. Several throughout school not working from dead batteries. **Fixtures shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2409 (b). Observed jammed paper towels dispensers throughout and several bathrooms without soap stocked. Custodian said the soap was not to be put in the bathrooms, per the principal, due to the children playing with it. An alternative method needs to be found and soap put into the bathrooms Inspection Report Update: On May 11th, the Principal, Susan Nichols, advised soap was removed from a girl’s restroom (A Hall) due to repeated violations over multiple school days of soap all over the floor, due to safety and security concerns. Teachers were advised by the Principal to have the students, that use the A-Hall Girl’s restroom, to wash hands in their classrooms. The alternative hand washing location proposed by the Principal is not approved by the Health Department. Per rule 2409 Lavatory Facilities, which are present in the A-Hall restrooms, are required to comply with rule .2409 (c ). **Soap and individual towels or approved hand-drying devices shall be provided. 15A NCAC 18A .2409 (c).
6 30 FLOORS: WALLS: AND CEILINGS: Floors, walls, and ceilings clean and in good repair 30# (.2410) No No No No No Floors, walls, and ceilings of all areas shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2410. Observed some stained ceiling tiles. Floor areas need sweeping where they are not very accessible (between shelving units, etc) Moldy ceiling tiles in ASEP storage closet.
7 20 STORAGE SPACES: Clean 20#; storage off floor 20# (.2411) No No No No No Storage spaces and custodians' closets shall be kept clean and arranged so as to facilitate cleaning. 15A NCAC 18A .2411. Observed can wash floors need cleaning throughout, several emitting off odors. All storage shall be at least 15 inches above the floor or otherwise arranged so as to permit thorough cleaning. 15A NCAC 18A .2411. Observed books on floor in library. Books need to be stored off floor.
8 20 LIGHTING AND VENTILATION: Fixtures, grills, vents, blinds, drapes, etc., clean and in good repair 40# (.2412) No No No No No All windows and fixtures (grills, vents, blinds, drapes, lighting fixtures, etc.) shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2412 (b). Observed dusty vents and spider webs in several windows.