Inspection Management System
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NameALBEMARLE ROAD ELEMENTARY Rules Governing Inspection Scores.
Address7800 RIDING TRAIL RD Restaurants: 
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 Day Care and Adult Care: 
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Swimming Pool Rules: 
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Premise Type44 - School BuildingMobile Food Units, Push carts, Tattoo Parlors: 
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CountyMecklenburgResidential Care and Local Confinement: 
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Inspection Date 1/28/2016 
Final Score @ Grade
NC Department of Environmental Health: 
General CommentsNO POINTS DEDUCTED #5 Observed soap and paper towels not present in following areas: room 133, RR980 boys. #8 Observed rooms throughout with ceilling tiles not fully flush with corners exposed and tracks visible. Observed multiple light covers not fully attached. Observed rusting light fixtures in MC 180, with dust collecting around ceiling tiles in same room. Note: Observed stading water still collecting around playground premisis. Observed broken toy ball shooting contraption (playground). Observed rusting soccer goal with metal bent in middle. Keep area free of standing water, and keep all toys/playground items in good repair to prevent injury. Mr. Mike was present during inspection.
Critical Violations SHOWN in RED   
NA=Not Applicable  NO=Not Observed  CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description NANOCDIRVRComments
3 60 DRINKING FOUNTAINS: Clean and in good repair 40#; adequate pressure, properly regulated 40# (.2406) No No No No No Repeat Non Compliance: Observed low water fountain pressure located in room 104, D hall and 1 water fountain with too high of pressure in RR 791. Observed 2 water fountains the are not operable in RR 791. Observed 1 running water fountain located on D hall. Observed mold present on drain board and back basin base located in RR 980 water fountain room. Observed front handle missing at E hall water fountain. Observed pink residue present around base cover on A hall. **Drinking fountains shall be provided with adequate water pressure and be properly regulated (i.e. water pressure should be regulated so that an individual’s mouth does not come in contact with the nozzle and so that the water does not splash on the floor). 15A NCAC 18A 2406 (b). **Drinking fountains shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2406 (b).
4 45 TOILET FACILITIES: Walls and ceilings clean, nonabsorbent, washable, and in good repair 30#; fixtures clean and in good repair 40#; floors impervious, kept clean 30# (.2408) No No No No No Repeat Non Compliance: Observed walls with raw wood in the boys mobile restrooms RR980 and RR791 RR648. Observed mold collecting on ceiling in SRR 972 in need of cleaning. Observed paper littered on ground throughout restrooms. Observed multiple stall doors jammed unable to open (pushed inward). **Walls and ceilings of toilet facilities shall be constructed of non-absorbent, washable materials and shall be kept clean. 15A NCAC
5 30 LAVATORY FACILITIES: Fixtures clean and in good repair 30#; soap and individual towels or approved hand-drying devices provided 40# (.2409) No No No No No Repeat Non Compliance: Observed 1 modular restroom boys sink in middle modular with short run time. Improvement seen. Repeat Non Compliance: Observed swollen (water damage) and or dirty counter tops throughout modular restrooms. Observed backs plashes throughout modular restrooms in same condition. Observed sink bowl rusting in RR 980 boys restroom. **Fixtures shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2409 (b).
6 30 FLOORS: WALLS: AND CEILINGS: Floors, walls, and ceilings clean and in good repair 30# (.2410) No No No No No Repeat Non Compliance: Observed water stained ceiling tiles in C hall headed towards D hall, MC 496. **Floors, walls, and ceilings of all areas shall be kept clean and in good repair. 15A NCAC 18A .2410.
11 30 PREMISES: MISCELLANEOUS: Premises neat, clean 30#; no vector breeding or harborage 20#; pesticides and other toxic materials properly handled and stored 30* (.2415) No No No No No Observed hazardous items including disinfecting wipes, and aerosol containers in reach of children located throughout building. Hazardous items required to be stored out of reach or per manufacturers instructions. **Pesticides and other toxic materials shall be used as directed on the label and handled and stored as to avoid health hazards. 15A NCAC 18A .2415 (b).