Mecklenburg County Health Dept
Public Health Inspections
Premises Information
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Premise Type1 - Restaurant
Inspection Date 12/6/2024
Final Score @ Grade
86.50 B
General Comments
CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description CDIRVRComments
1 1 PIC Present, demonstrates knowledge, & performs duties No No No 2-102.11 (A) - (C )(1), (4)-(16) The Person in charge shall demonstrate knowledge of foodborne disease prevention, application of HACCP principles, and the requirements of this code by (A) Complying with the Food Code by having no violations of Priority Items during the current inspection, (B) Being a certified food protection manager, or (C) by responding correctly to the inspector's questions related to the operation of the food establishment. -Pf. The PIC chef in the kitchen had several priority item violations and is does not have food protection manager training. Have the chef trained to comply with this code. Please visit our resource page,, for more food safety information related to PIC Duties, Training, and managing food safety. 2-103.11(A-P) PIC shall ensure rules in the code for food safety and handling are met. -Pf Observed several priority violations in the kitchen related to cooling, maintaining temperatures. Additionally, provide signage at the customer food self service areas that they need to obtain clean utensils when returning to the food area for additional servings. See 2-103.11 (L) A Food Safety Checklist can be found at: along with more food safety information related to PIC Duties, Training, and managing food safety.
5 0 Procedures for responding to vomiting & diarrheal events Yes No No 2-501.11 A food establishment shall have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events. -Pf Observed vomit and diarrhea clean up plan in place that was missing the requirement to wash, rinse, and sanitize food contact surfaces after disinfection. CDI, provided manager with a MCPH Vomit and Diarrhea clean up plan. For more information please visit:
8 0 Hands clean & properly washed Yes No No 2-301.14 Wash hands before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single service and single use articles. -P. Observed employee handle raw chicken then proceed to use a fryer utensil that is used for other RTE food items. CDI, PIC had the employee wash their hands.
13 0 Food in good condition, safe & unadulterated Yes No No 3-101.11 Food shall be safe for consumption, unadulterated and honestly presented. -P. Observed dented cans stored with food supply that is in use and not in the designated damaged food bin. CDI, PIC moved the dented cans to the correct storage location. Ensure staff are storing damaged canned goods in the correct storage area.
15 1.50 Food separated & protected Yes Yes No 3-302.11(A)(1) Separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods and washed/unwashed fruits and vegetables. -P Observed raw sausage stored above overnight oats. Observed raw hamburger stored above salad. Observed raw eggs stored above cheese. Ensure raw animals products are stored below ready to eat foods. CDI raw items moved to bottom shelf. For more information on food storage order please visit:
20 3 Proper cooling time & temperatures No Yes No 3-501.14(B) Quickly cool TCS foods that are prepared from room temperature ingredients. Food must be to 41F within 4 hours. -P. Observed a salad with berries that did not cool to 41 F within 4 hours, cooked farrow that had been held out for a period of time in the kitchen that did not cool properly (observed a lot of condensation in the container indicating improper cooling), and melons prepared this morning that had a zero degree cooling rate. Observed cooked apples used at 8:30 this morning ant 48 F in a covered container. Establishment must retrain staff to ensure cooling is occurring properly. CDI, melons moved to a sheet pan for proper cooling and the other items were discarded. For more information, please visit: www.meckncgov/foodsafety or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Cooling Food Safely .
21 3 Proper hot holding temperatures No Yes No 3-501.16(A)(1) Maintain TCS foods in hot holding at 135F or above. -P Observed garlic and oil mixture on preparation table at 70 F. Item discarded. Observed Piquat on the stove at 110 F, per PIC the product had been prepared over 4 hours ago. Item discarded. For more information, please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Safe Food Temperatures .
22 0 Proper cold holding temperatures Yes No No 3-501.16(A)(2) Maintain TCS foods in cold holding at 41F or less. -P Observed cooked vegetables sitting on a sheet rack in the kitchen awaiting to be placed in the oven at 55 F. Items remained on the sheet rack without temperature control for one hour. Observed tofu at 41 -42 F sitting at the fryer and no staff actively working on the food preparation of the item. Staff should only pull food items being actively prepared and cooked. Do not allow products to sit out for long periods of time. CDI, vegetables moved to the oven and tofu placed in the walk in refrigerator. For more information, please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Safe Food Temperatures .
23 0 Proper date marking & disposition Yes No No 3-501.17 Date mark/label all TCS foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -Pf Observed open milk in the small walk in refrigerator with no date of when it was opened. CDI, PIC discarded the milk. For more information, please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Date Marking Food Safely .
24 3 Time as a Public Health Control; procedures & records No No No 3-501.19(B) (1) Follow written procedures for foods held using Time as a Public Health Control (TPHC) for 4 hours. Food shall have an initial temperature of 41 F when removed from cold holding temperature control or 135 F or greater when removed from hot holding temperature control. -P. Observed TPHC logs not being maintained for milk at beverage stations, food in warming cabinet, and in low boy refrigerator for salads.
25 0 Consumer advisory provided for raw/ undercooked foods Yes No No 3-603.11 (B)(1) Consumer Advisory Disclosures shall indicate that the animal-derived food is or can be served raw or undercooked by using words and phrases such as raw, undercooked, cooked to order, etc., or by asterisking to a footnote per 3-603.11 (B)(2). -Pf 3-603.11 (B)(2) Consumer Advisory Disclosures that are asterisked to a footnote shall state, * Items are served raw or undercooked, or contain (or may contain) raw or undercooked ingredients. -Pf Observed beef roast being prepared and was cooked to 110 F. PIC provided the food sign for the item at the Buffett and there was no consumer advisory. CDI, new sign printed with consumer advisory.
33 1 Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control Yes Yes No 3-501.15 Quickly cool foods. Use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. Cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -Pf Observed melons, farrow, salads cooling in covered containers. Items must be cooled in open containers. Also use the blast chiller for items as well. For more information, please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: What are TCS Foods and Cooling Food Safely .
37 1 Food properly labeled: original container No Yes No 3-302.12 Label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts, flour, sugar) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. Observed several containers of dry goods with no labeling. Ensure these items are properly labeled.
40 0 Personal cleanliness No No No 2-402.11 Use head coverings, beard guards and clothing to restrain body hair from contacting exposed food, equipment, and utensils. Observed a server plating baked goods and was not wearing a beard guard or hair net. Ensure employees preparing food have proper head coverings and beard nets if they have facial hair.
43 0 In-use utensils: properly stored Yes No No 3-304.12 (B) In-use utensils for food that is not TCS must be stored with their handles above the top of the food within containers or equipment that can be closed. Observed cup with no handle stored in container of sprinkles. Use utensils with handles to dispense food and when stored in food keep the handles stored out of the food.
44 0 Utensils, equipment & linens: properly stored, dried & handled No No No 4-901.11(A) Air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. Observed pans stacked together wet in the air drying racks. Ensure the pans are dry before stacking.
47 0 Equipment, food & non-food contact surfaces approved, cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used No No No 4-501.11 Maintain equipment in good repair. Observed white baking containers with damaged paint and rusting. Replace the damaged containers.
55 0 Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean No No No 6-501.11 Floors, walls, and ceilings including the attachments such as soap and towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vents shall be maintained in good repair. Observed damaged ceiling tiles in the pantry. Replace the damaged tiles.