Certified Food Protection Manager |
No |
No |
2-102.12 (A) Certified Food Protection Manager (C) There was no one present at the time of the inspection with a food safety manager certification. Establishment has 180 days from date of issuance of the permit to come into compliance with this. No points taken today. |
Procedures for responding to vomiting & diarrheal events |
Yes |
No |
2-501.11 Clean-up of Vomiting and Diarrheal Event (Pf) Establishment does not have a written procedure for the clean-up of vomit and diarrhea. A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall have written procedures for EMPLOYEES to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involve the discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto surfaces in the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. The procedures shall address the specific actions EMPLOYEES must take to minimize the spread of contamination and the exposure of EMPLOYEES, consumers, FOOD, and surfaces to vomitus or fecal matter. CDI - First inspection - provided PIC with a clean-up plan today. |
Food separated & protected |
Yes |
No |
3-302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food - Separation, Packaging, and Segregation (P) There were raw eggs stored above milk in the walk in cooler. Food shall be protected from cross contamination by separation during storage, preparation, holding, and display. Raw animal products need to be below all ready-to-eat foods. CDI - Eggs were moved to the bottom shelf. |
Equipment, food & non-food contact surfaces approved, cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used |
Yes |
No |
4-202.11 Food-Contact Surfaces - Cleanability (Pf) There were some damaged item in the kitchen such as a metal pan, a plastic bin, and a silverware container. Multiuse food-contact surfaces shall be smooth, in good repair, free of sharp angles, and finished to have smooth seams and joints. CDI - The damaged items were discarded during the inspection.
4-501.11 Good Repair and Proper Adjustment - Equipment. The towel dispenser near the door to the kitchen is cracked and not working properly. The spray arm rubber coating is damaged and constantly has water coming out of it. Equipment shall be maintained in good repair. |
Warewashing facilities: installed, maintained & used; test strips |
Yes |
No |
4-302.13 Temperature Measuring Devices, Manual and Mechanical Warewashing. In hot water mechanical WAREWASHING operations, an irreversible registering temperature indicator shall be provided and readily accessible for measuring the UTENSIL surface temperature. CDI - Provided information to person in charge that this is a requirement and discussed the appropriate equipment needed to comply - a waterproof registering temperature indicator or temperature registering strips/stickers. First inspection so education was provided today. |
Hot & cold water available; adequate pressure |
Yes |
No |
5-103.11 Capacity - Quantity and Availability (Pf) Hot water at the 3-compartment dish sink only reached 102 degrees F. This was checked multiple times throughout the inspection. 5-103.11(B) Provide sufficient hot water to meet the peak hot water demands. At the dish sink, the water needs to be hot enough to provide at least 110 degrees F wash water at all times. CDI - Maintenance department turned the temperature up on the hot water heater and the hot water at the dish sink reached 116 degrees F by the end of the inspection. |
Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean |
No |
No |
6-501.12 Cleaning, Frequency and Restrictions (C) The ceiling above the cook line is cracked. The men's bathroom floor has a lot of debris and needs to be cleaned. All physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair and shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean and by methods that prevent contamination of food products. |