Inspection Management System
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NameCOTTAGE RESTAURANT Rules Governing Inspection Scores.
Address1704 HARRIS HOUSTON RD Restaurants: 
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SUITE 4Day Care and Adult Care: 
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Swimming Pool Rules: 
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Premise Type1 - RestaurantMobile Food Units, Push carts, Tattoo Parlors: 
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CountyMecklenburgResidential Care and Local Confinement: 
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Inspection Date 10/3/2023 
Final Score @ Grade
93.50 A
NC Department of Environmental Health: 
General Comments
Critical Violations SHOWN in RED   
NA=Not Applicable  NO=Not Observed  CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description NANOCDIRVRComments
14 1 Required records available: shellstock tags, parasite destruction No No No No No 3-402.11 Parasite Destruction (P) Establishment does not have current parasite destruction information from the supplier for the raw salmon served in sushi rolls. VR - Verification required within 3 days that establishment acquires parasite destruction information from supplier for raw salmon.
15 1.50 Food separated & protected No No Yes Yes No 3-302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food - Separation, Packaging, and Segregation (P) Raw tuna stored on shelf above sauces in sandwich cooler bottom. Do not store raw animal foods above ready-to-eat foods. CDI - Raw tuna moved to bottom shelf. REPEAT
16 1.50 Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized No No Yes Yes No 4-601.11(A) Equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -Pf. Meat processor had visible meat residue in between blades. Meat processor has fixed blades and is very difficult to clean. If establishment can't demonstrate that they can clean it effectively, then it must be removed from establishment. CDI - Meat processor blade put at 3-compartment sink to re-wash. All other utensils and meat grinder were clean so kept at half credit. For more information, please visit: or view our training videos at the following weblinks: Sanitizing Solutions - , How to Test Sanitizer , and Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces .
23 1.50 Proper date marking & disposition No No Yes Yes No 3-501.17 Ready-To-Eat Time / Temperature Control for Safety Food, Date Marking (Pf) 2 bus tubs of cooked chicken in walk-in cooler were missing date label. PIC stated it was cooked Sunday. Place date label on all TCS ready-to-eat foods. TCS ready-to-eat foods must be used or discarded within 7 days of preparation. CDI - PIC placed date label on tubs. Improvement from last inspection so only half credit taken. REPEAT
37 0 Food properly labeled: original container No No No No No 3-302.12 Label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts, flour, sugar) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. Oil bottles need to be labeled. 0 pts.
47 0.50 Equipment, food & non-food contact surfaces approved, cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used No No No Yes No 4-501.11 Maintain equipment in good repair. Replace rusted shelves in walk-in cooler. Large bowl is severely pitted and not easily cleanable. Equipment shall be maintained in good repair. // 4-501.12 Resurface or replace cutting surfaces that can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Cutting board attached to sandwich cooler has deep cut marks and needs to be replaced or resurfaced. REPEAT
49 0 Non-food contact surfaces clean No No No No No 4-602.13 Nonfood Contact Surfaces (C) Continue cleaning walk-in cooler shelves and grease off cooking equipment. Clean floor in walk-in freezer. Improvement from last inspection so 0 points taken. 0 pts.
56 0.50 Meets ventilation & lighting requirements; designated areas used No No No Yes No 6-305.11/6-501.110 Designate and use an area for the orderly storage of employees' clothing and possessions. Cell phone observed on back prep surface. Do not store personal items on prep surfaces. REPEAT