Mecklenburg County Health Dept
Public Health Inspections
Premises Information
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Premise Type1 - Restaurant
Inspection Date 5/6/2015
Final Score @ Grade
92 A
General Comments
CDI=Corrected During Inspection  R=Repeat Violation  VR=Verification Required 
Violation Item Demerits Violation Description CDIRVRComments
2 1.50 Management and food employee knowledge, and conditional employee; responsibilities and reporting. Yes No No Ensure food employees are knowledgeable about employee health policy responsibilities. Observed PIC/employee unaware of reportable symptoms/illnesses. CDI: education provided (recommended hanging up EHP handout for employee use) 2-103.11(M) Pf, 2-201.11 (A)(B)(C) & (E).
13 1.50 Food separated and protected Yes No No Prepare and store all foods to protect from contamination due to contact with soiled surfaces and cross contamination from improper storage order in reach-in. Observed: onions (in process) being cleaned in soiled prep sink. CDI: onions re-washed and placed in clean container. Observed sliced tomatoes in pans stacked so pans were in direct contact w/ food. CDI: tomatoes re-washed. Observed bacon stored on cartons of pasteurized eggs and directly beside open package of cheese slices. CDI: products moved into proper storage order; cheese slices, at risk, discarded. 3-304.11 P, 3-302.11(A). Ensure hamburger patties remain in in-tact package while in freezer. Observed patties out of packaging. CDI: Patties packaged properly. 3-302.11 P.
14 1.50 Food-contact surfaces: cleaned and sanitized Yes No No Ensure cleaned equipment is submerged, completely, in sanitizer for approved time. Observed equipment over stacked in 3rd compartment of 3-comp. sink so many pieces of equipment cold not be sanitized. CDI: equipment rewashed & submerged in san, correctly. Cleaning needed to remove build-up on sheet pan. 4-703.11 P; 4-602.12.
31 0 Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control Yes No No G.C. Ensure salads packed to go are cooled in walk-in to ensure cooling to 41F (45F) occurs w/in 4 hours. Observed packaged salads stacked in reach-in (see #45). CDI: salads re-located to walk-in with 1 hr. left to achieve desired temperature. 3-501.15 Pf
36 1 Insects and rodents not present; no unauthorized animals No No Yes Eliminate fly presence using approved pest control methods. 6-501.111 Pf
38 0 Personal cleanliness No No No Use effective head coverings to ensure hair of food service employees is contained. Observed some employees w/ long hair not secured w/in visors. 2-402.11 (A)
42 0.50 Utensils, equipment and linens: properly stored, dried and handled Yes No No Store cleaned/sanitized equipment to prevent contamination from unclean surfaces. Observed tongs stored touching unclean/uncleanable faucet and unclean wall. CDI: items re-washed & stored appropriately. 4-903.11
45 1 Equipment, food and non-food-contact surfaces approved; cleanable, properly designed, constructed and used No No No Repair low reach-in used for take-out salads, bacon, cheese, past. eggs so TCS food is stored at or below 41F (45F). Observed reach-in with broken, ill-fitted lid & broken racks w/ temp. read on internal therm. at 50F (all items moved to walk-in for cooling). 4-501.11 - Also repair leaking friers.
47 0.50 Non-food-contact surfaces clean No No No Cleaning needed for surfaces of equipment throughout to remove build-up and grease. 4-601.11 (C); 4-602.13
53 0.50 Physical facilities installed, maintained and clean No No No Cleaning needed for floors and walls under & around equipment - including can wash where repairs are needed to replace missing tiles. Cleaning needed for vent covers. 6-201.11 &.13